Advertisement. Media

For more than 15 years, Tudorache and Associates has been providing legal support to personalities and companies engaged in advertising and marketing activities focusing on compliance with legal provisions on intellectual property, audiovisual legislation, advertising law, consumer protection, private life.

As a rule, our contribution consists of:

revision of advertising materials regardless of format (print, TV, radio, online) from a legal point of view, proposal for modifications
advice on advertising material regarding the compliance with the rules of fair competition, trademark rights or copyrights acquired from third parties
checking proposals for product packaging and labeling
social media
verification of the telemarketing activity in accordance with the legal provisions

Drafting and reviewing of the contracts:
copyright assignments, sponsorship contracts, promotional / advertising contracts, barter, co-branding contracts, endorsement, product placement
licensing of pre-existing works
customer loyalty programs (loyalty cards)

breach of confidentiality obligations
violation of privacy rights and / or intellectual property rights

We represented the top advertising production company – Multimedia Est, the advertising company – Headvertising, and the Romanian Talents: Inna, Dan Balan, Andreea Raicu.