About including the image of a sculpture in the movie

The shooting in a public space implies, in most cases, incidental filming of intellectual creation works. The Romanian Copyright Act allows the reproduction, distribution or communication to the public of the image of a work of art, plastic art, photographic art or applied art, permanently located in public places, without the consent of the author, unless the image of the work is the main subject of such reproduction, distribution or communications and whether used for commercial purposes.


10 Practical tips to start an ecommerce business

Ensure that the activity you want to conduct on the Internet can be the subject of electronic transactions. Make sure the domain name you wish to book is distinct from the registered trademark of a competitor. Make sure your hosting provider offers you a full service package to be able to work in optimal conditions.…


“Dragostea din tei” remains at Dan Balan

In data de 14 februarie 2005, Judecatoria Sectorului 2 Bucuresti l-a obligat pe Bogdan Popoiag, membru al trupei <> sa plateasca liderului trupei O-Zone, Dan Balan, suma de 60.000.000 lei cu titlu de daune morale, pentru repararea prejudiciul de imagine cauzat de declaratiile din presa prin care a sustinut ca ar fi compozitorul piesei “Dragostea din tei”. Dan Balan a declarat telefonic: “Ma bucur ca s-a facut dreptate. Voi dona suma incasata cu titlu de daune morale unui tanar care va castiga premiul pentru cea mai buna compozitie muzicala in cadrul unuia dintre concursurile organizate anul acesta in Romania”.
