E-commerce. Information technology
Tudorache and Associates is the company that will lead you to solve problems in the field of electronic commerce and information technology.
For more than 15 years, we provide legal support to IT companies by offering consulting services, drafting, reviewing and negotiating contracts or online offers, legal representation in litigation, especially in the following areas:
E-commerce: compliance with relevant e-commerce legislation by the electronic shops, drafting of contracts to be concluded through electronic means, international disputes
Internet: ISP responsible, domain name, online advertising, unfair competition, unlawful use of copyrighted material or related rights, human dignity, privacy, and personal data processing
Software: software license agreement, software development contract, distribution contract, maintenance
Website: contract to create a site (site development), hosting contract
Outsourcing: drafting, negotiation and assistance in signing contracts
Telecommunications: legal advice on general regulation in the field, legal advice on the rights and obligations of providers of electronic communications networks, electronic communications service providers, and users’ rights; drafting, negotiation and assistance in signing contracts with end-users concerning the provision of telephony services, internet access, line rental, data transmission and cable television; assistance and representation before the courts.
Our lawyers contributed to the development of the literature in the field by publishing the book “The Contract concluded through Electronic means in the regulation of the new Civil Code” – CH Beck, 2013, as well as the articles: “Civil liability in pre-contractual negotiations, Tradition and Topic in Roman Law “- Jurnalul Supliment de Studii Juridice nr. 1-2 / 2012; “The validity of contracts concluded by electronic means in the Romanian legislation” – CKS-eBook 2012; “Civil liability of service providers of the information society” – Tribuna Juridica no. 2/2011; “Online settlement of disputes arising from electronic contracts” – Session of scientific communications Analysis of the economic crisis in the field of business law in the member countries of the European Union ASE 2011; “Consumer’s right to withdraw from contracts concluded by electronic means in Romanian law” -CKS-e-Book 2011; “Rules of jurisdiction applicable to contracts concluded by electronic means” – CKS – e-Book 2011; “Protection of Computer Programs in Romanian Law” – www.academica.edu, 2014.
We represented the Romanian software developer – DCS Fast Link, the online shops cafemagia.ro, the Romanian software integrator – Romanian Industrial Group.