Impozitarea veniturilor din proprietate intelectuala in anul 2021

Pentru veniturile din proprietate intelectuala obtinute in anul 2021, artistul/autorul datoreaza: Impozit pe venit – 10% din venitul net calculat astfel: Venitul brut minus 40% (cota forfetara) din venitul brut; Venitul brut minus sumele ce revin organismelor de gestiune colectiva sau altor platitori de asemenea venituri, in cazul exploatarii de catre mostenitori a drepturilor de…

7 common mistakes in the process of company’s preparation for sale

The sale of the company is an important event for its associates, regardless of the reasons behind this decision.
The company’s preparation for sale should take place as early as possible after the investor arrives. In most cases, associates are so busy growing business that they do not give enough importance to the legal issues involved in such a transaction.